Orban (PNL): În 2018, să plece PSD; dacă nu pleacă de bunăvoie, îi dăm o mână de ajutor
Preşedintele PNL, Ludovic Orban, prezent la Bistriţa pentru a petrece Revelionul în mijlocul a aproximativ…
Preşedintele PNL, Ludovic Orban, prezent la Bistriţa pentru a petrece Revelionul în mijlocul a aproximativ…
Fractiunile parlamentare ale UDMR nu sunt de acord cu recentele propuneri de modificare a Codului…
Noul proiect al PSD privind pragul pentru abuzul în serviciu sfidează inteligenţa a milioane de…
Ministrul Justiţiei, Tudorel Toader, a venit, joi, la Parlament, unde s-a întâlnit cu preşedinţii celor…
Eugen Tomac susţine că toate amendamentele respinse de către reprezentanţii majorităţii erau inspirate din programul…
Senatul a adoptat, luni, propunerea legislativă care modifică legea ANI şi care prevede că interdicţiile…
Have you ever lost your car on a parking lot? It happens. You park and go shopping. When you get back, you don’t have a clue where your car is. Then you start roaming around clicking on the panic button on your car keys so the alarm goes off.
What do you do when a hurricane blows away your vacation plans? The Associated Press asked Pauline Frommer of Frommers.com and the Frommer travel guidebook series for advice.
Lately, the TV shows have been all about highlighting the diversity, so native to the United States of America historically…
People who experience such long bouts of uninterrupted sitting and who stay sedentary for much of their waking time — 12.5 hours or more a day — have the highest risk of death from any cause, a new study finds.
Wielding the power of the stars and affectionately known as “Stargirl,” Martinez is the vice president of media relations for the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and the producer of the famed Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremonies. This year she’ll celebrate 30 years in that position.
A beautiful arrangement of flowers is the quickest way to brighten up a room. Whether it’s an upgraded version of supermarket flowers, a delivery from someone special or blooms picked from the backyard, pretty petals can completely transform a space.
Every single year has its own set of ups and downs, fails and awesomness. Music-wise, as we’ll be recalling the year of 2016 a few decades later, it will always associate in our mind with these crazy music acts.
Felipe Esparza took his experiences as a Latino single dad from the Pico Garden housing projects and turned them into hysterically funny but salient commentary. Fast forward years later, and the Mexican-American comedian’s latest show,“Felipe Esparza: Translate This,” will premiere on HBO on Sept. 30.